Valley Everest 24x Challenge 2021 Promo
Everest Challenge - Team Registrations Open Now
Dear section convenors, team captains/coaches and managers,
The Valley Everest 24X Challenge is coming soon.
Read more here -
Not only is a great pre-season training but it's our chance to do something massive for the community by attempting to raise $500,000 in funds that will benefit those less privileged in Hong Kong.
For now, we would ask your support in registering as many teams and members as possible into the Challenge. It is absolutely fine for teams to include friends, family and colleagues of Valley members joining. In fact, Everest can be used as a recruitment platform for new players.
Our goal is that every one of the 30 adult teams in hockey, rugby and netball will each enter a team.
We also hope that Valley Academy (netball/hockey) and Valley Fort can enter as many teams as possible and ideally aim for one from each age group – with parents included.
So, please help by working with your teams to register a team here - and then recruit the players for your team.
Teams will be asked to select their preferred one-hour time slots. Bonus points for teams that opt to run in the middle of the night!
Once again, Oolaa will be supporting with cheap takeaway F&B options, shade, AC, water and ice and our sponsors and supported charities will also be entering teams.
When: 6pm Friday 20th August to 6pm Saturday 21st August
If you have any questions, please contact Grant at
Thank you